“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.”
– Maya Angelou
Mission development
In late September of 2023, Elizabeth Knowles and I embarked on a project. We set out to collect and review research and connect with community leaders. We understood the problem for single mothers in Idaho and became determined to respond and repair it. Here is what we understood:
Single mothers face additional barriers to accessing higher earnings.
Most families living in poverty are single-mother families. And children raised below the poverty line are less likely to thrive as adults.
According to the Economic Policy Institute, in a controlled group comparison, women earn 22% less than men, and working mothers earn even less.
Idaho is one of the worst states in the country to live in as a woman, ranking 42/50.
Effective programs are offering scholarships, grants, programs, and research to support our mission. We want to bring it to Idaho.
Our objective is to serve Idaho families most in need – single mothers with children – by breaking the multi-generational cycle of poverty, one family at a time. When a mother is employed in a well-paying job with benefits, her children gain stability, including greater access to food, housing, school, enrichment activities, healthcare, and more.
With focused support, mothers will gain a chance to thrive and grow. Each family uplifted will positively impact their community and the entire state of Idaho.
Our vision is that every woman will be personally empowered and thriving one day. We understand that mothers face specific barriers to accessing higher earnings. We plan to help these women navigate and overcome the obstacles preventing them from cultivating a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.
As of summer 2024, we are pausing operations to focus our energies on the election in November. We will resume our work seeking funding for a pilot project soon after. We have countless ideas of ways we could support women and mothers of Idaho. We must identify our partners and sources of funding. Stay tuned for project proposals and updates!